How do I search/filter my contribution actuals in Warchest?

Warchest makes it easy to sort through actual contributions through our filter functions. Click over to the Contributions page to get started.

At the top of the page you will see some commonly used filters alongside the Filter button. Each Filter is stacked (meaning, if you select multiple filters, the contributions displayed will fulfill the criteria of ALL filters you have set).

Date is automatically set to the full date range of the campaign, but you can adjust this by clicking the date filter. You may choose a date range with the criteria of On, Between, Before, or After the date(s) set.

Source and Subcategory will filter within the sources and subcategories you select.

Tags allows you to filter by selected tags. (Note: Warchest will show contributions with any of the tags selected).

Description and Donor Name search within those properties set within individual contributions.

Amount will filter contributions matching an exact amount set.


Find Duplicates is a special filter which flags potential duplicates. Learn a bit more about it here.

Note: the top header of the contributions page will automatically adjust as you make filtering changes. This allows you to easily see what certain filtering combinations sum up to.

By clicking the three lines on the contributions page, you may also export or bulk delete your filtered contributions.